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Previous Projects

Explore our showcase of impactful marketing programs, demonstrating our expertise in scaling strategies for substantial business growth. These projects highlight our ability to deliver comprehensive marketing solutions that enhance visibility and drive success across diverse industries.

Tourism Nova Scotia
Website Bootcamp Program

In partnership with Digital Nova Scotia, we delivered a series of digital workshops for Tourism Nova Scotia. These workshops connected tourism business operators from across the province, educating them on developing and managing modern, comprehensive websites using the Wix platform.

Through the program, we empowered over 15 tourism operators, ranging from accommodation providers to tour and experience businesses, with the skills to create and maintain effective websites. The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the program's success in enhancing their digital capabilities.

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Boostflow Media Ltd
Community Impact Program

At Boostflow, we developed the Community Impact Program to support non-profit organizations across Nova Scotia by offering professional website development services at no cost. This initiative included one year of free hosting and ongoing support, aiming to enhance the digital presence of these vital organizations.

Through this program, we partnered with several non-profits, helping them create compelling, user-friendly websites that showcase their missions and engage their communities. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many organizations experiencing significant improvements in online engagement and outreach.

Digital Nova Scotia
Digital Assistance Program

In partnership with Digital Nova Scotia, we participated in the Digital Assistance Program to support small business owners and tourism operators in navigating the post-COVID landscape. Through this and the subsequent Tourism Digital Assistance Program, we provided essential digital services such as website development, e-commerce setup, social media strategy, and digital advertising.

These initiatives were designed to deliver results when businesses needed them the most. By implementing comprehensive digital strategies, we helped businesses enhance their online presence, improve customer engagement, and boost their resilience in a challenging economic environment.

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